Tuesday 19 January 2016

The Girlie Show: What was your first concert?

Besides sometimes blogging about pop music, my friends, I am also a theatre writer and maker. My latest play, "The Girlie Show", opens in Melbourne tonight. The play is set in 1993 and is about 5 youngins who meet in line while waiting for tickets to Madonna's "The Girlie Show" tour. While lining up they talk about their first concerts, and well that got me thinking, what a great idea for a blog.

Friday 1 January 2016

Top 5 Songs: Natalie Cole

So like everyone else, today I heard about the sad loss of the very talented Natalie Cole, and was incredibly sad. What an incredible talent she was, and she will be sadly missed. I thought to celebrate her life and career it would be best to have a look at my Top 5 favourite songs of this wonderful lady. Rest in peace Ms Natalie Cole, you will be missed.