Monday 28 December 2015

Top 50 Songs of 2015

2015, what a great year for music! There were so many tunes that we loved here at Internal Jukebox, and there are some songs we can't believe missed our end of year countdown - 50 just seems too few. But take a look our list, and tell us in the comments section below which of these tunes you love, and what you would put on your end of year list.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Top 5 Christmas Songs of 2015

It's Christmas time again. Time for celebration, good food and spending money we just don't have on presents that people will probably hate! But there's also some great Christmas music. There's the tracks we love to pull out every year, but there's also a great amount of Christmas songs that are released every year. Like last year's popular list, we look back at the best five releases of this year's Christmas season.

Friday 4 December 2015

Album Review: Nine - Samantha Jade

It's been quite the wait for a new album of Samantha Jade originals, but now, after winning Australian X-Factor in 2012, she finally has her album out; and it's as fun and fabulous as you would want it to be.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Top 5 Songs: Kim Wilde

When you are listing the best female pop acts of the 80s and 90s, you just have to list pop powerhouse, Kim Wilde. With some massive hits to her name in both decades, it was about time we celebrated her career with a Top 5 songs list.