Sunday 28 February 2016

Live Review: Belinda Carlisle @ The Rooty Hill RSL

Well if you're going to start your Australian Tour anywhere, why shouldn't it be at The Rooty Hill RSL Club? And the crowd did seem happy about it, and hearing Belinda say the words, "Hey Rooty Hill" did make me giggle.

Monday 22 February 2016

Album Review: This is Acting - Sia

It's a great sign for the year ahead when the first album I get in 2016 is truly a special one. Sia is back, and she is back in a big way, I'm already calling it, "This is Acting" will be in my Top Ten albums for 2016!

Wednesday 17 February 2016

The Girlie Show - A life of love for Madonna + the cast's favourite Madonna songs!

So for the past few months I have been working on a play called, "The Girlie Show", a play set in 1993. It's all about 5 young Madonna fans who meet in line for Madonna's "The Girlie Show' tour, the first time Madonna came to Australia. And in a lovely turn of coincidence, Madonna will be back in just a few short weeks for "Rebel Heart" - I am going to Sydney and Melbourne and I am bloody stoked!