Saturday 10 September 2016

Album Review: Emotion Side B - Carly Rae Jepsen

Hearing that an artist has released an album of the songs that didn't make their last album may not seem like the best idea, but trust me, Carly Rae Jepsen's Side B is all kinds of brilliant.

Last year's "Side B", was such a great surprise. It was a mature and accomplished pop album that showcased the many talents of Carly Rae Jepsen. It was the album that took her from teen singer to woman and it was exciting. And what an amazing recording session it must have been because the 8 new songs on the Side B album are all amazing, like really amazing,

If you are a fan of pop, real pop, then you need to listen to this album. There is slick production at work, great hooks, addictive choruses and fresh vocals from a woman really finding her voice. This album has been on repeat for me for the last week and I can truly say I love it. With only 8 songs, it is easy to listen and just start back at the top again.

There's so much good material that choosing a favourite is hard. "First Time" is a brilliant piece of pop that is lyrically on fire, "Cause when my heart breaks, it always feels like the first time". Sigh, I'm with you Carly Rae. "Body Language" is exquisite, the beat is deep and the chorus is fierce. There's something endearing about, "Store", the role reversal of a woman being the one to say they're going to the store but never coming back. But for me, my favourite song has to be, "Cry" - it's certainly the one I have been blaring the most. I love the beat, the subdued vocals in the start and then the build during the song is brilliant. Plus, that chorus is utter gold.

I may have only highlighted a few songs here, but they are all great. I guess many felt that Carly Rae Jepsen was a one trick pony, but no, she is a fascinating pop star with real talent.

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