Wednesday 9 November 2016

Album Review: Mad Love. - JoJo

JoJo hit it big in 2004 with the hit, "Leave (Get Out)", a few other singles were released that did well, but then she faded. Most had forgotten her, so what a great surprise that her comeback album, "Mad Love" isn't just any normal album, quite simply, it is brilliant.

We listen to a lot of pop albums here at Internal Jukebox, some better than others. And probably our biggest surprise of the year is JoJo's "Mad Love". This album is something special. This is a woman making great music, showing her soul and excelling. There's not a bad song here, each one has a perfect place on the album and is a great slice of pop.

So many teen stars struggle to have careers as an adult because their voices just aren't strong enough, I am in total shock at how good JoJo sounds on this album, her voice is brilliant. She has such rich tones to her voice and her range is inspiring. She is a natural storyteller and these songs are perfect for her.

First single, "Fuck Apologises" is perfect. This song has been on repeat for months. There's such great abandon and attitude in the song, The lyrics are catchy as hell, and Wiz Khalifa's rap is the perfect addition. This will ride high in our Top 50 singles of 2016.

"Music" is a great start to the album, the build is stunning, her voice is strong, powerful and vulnerable. "I Can Only" is funky with a great beat and is a brilliant duet. Love Alessia Cara, love JoJo! "Mad Love" is an epic song that is both sweet and fierce, while "Vibe" is a fun song with a good beat. "Honest" has a catchy chorus and a great flow, while "I Am" is a beautiful ballad. The passion is clear and exceptional, she truly sounds amazing. You just have to love the lyric, "I am worthy of love". Amen JoJo.

Clearly we like this album!! This is such a solid piece of pop perfection. Welcome back JoJo, now you're back - we never want you to leave again!

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