Wednesday 5 October 2016

Album Review: I Remember - Aluna George

AlunaGeorge have quickly gained a reputation as being a great band with a unique voice and some very solid tunes, their new album, "I Remember" only solidifies this - this is a great album that is highly addictive.

I've just finished listening to this album for the second time this morning and I am sold, completely! This really quite a fascinating album, incorporating elements of dance, pop and dancehall. The bass heavy beats are deep and the vocals are luscious. There's a great flow in these tracks that also gives them a nice unison - you really need to listen to this album as a whole.

While these tracks may not be as experimental as their last album, the beauty in making these tracks more mainstream is that these tracks are very accessible - and for a pop fan like me, it's perfect. These are clever tracks that have beautiful production and are perfect for so many people.

Title track, "I Remember" is the best song on offer here. It has a melancholic beauty that is undeniable, it is a heartbreaking song with some special lyrics, "Salted rain coming from your eyes". I have loved this song for months and it is so nice to hear it in the context of the album. The Flume influence is undeniable and the track is a winner.

"My Blood" sees AlunaGeorge teaming up with Zhu for a moody slice of pop. The instrumentation here is great, especially over the chorus. The beats are as fierce as the vocals. Other great tracks include the very catchy, "Mean What I Mean" and the brilliant, "Jealous" - a song with an excellent chorus. Plus first single, "I'm In Control" is exquisite. It may be one of the lighter tracks on the album, but still packs a great punch.

There's an unfolding sophistication to the work of AlunaGeorge and the "I Remember" album is a great sophomore effort - great tunes with catchy beats.

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