Monday 11 May 2015

Single of the Week: Nobody Love - Tori Kelly

Self belief is an important thing, it's how stars are made. When doors slam it can be humbling, but a true believer gets up and tries even harder - Tori Kelly has been knocked down before but now it's finally all paying off for her, with a massive breakthrough song that may be one of the catchiest of the year.

Tori Kelly had been a YouTube sensation with her covers, then she tried out for American Idol, she made it through Hollywood week but didn't quite make it to the live shows. She released a few EPs that didn't set the world alight. Not one to give up, she now has a major label and a kick-arse song.

Working with producer extraordinaire, Max Martin, who is still hot property after many years, Tori is one to watch. This pop song is majorly infectious, and her voice is incredible. With a bass heavy chorus, when she belts out, "Ain't nobody love, ain't nobody love like you do", you have to stand up and listen.

Pop is in a wonderful place, allowing itself to reinvent itself regularly, often using the influence of the pop of the past. This song is the perfect example, it sounds fresh, modern but also has a great retro feel. With great instrumentation and a very funky beat, it's an awesome dance / pop tune.

The song is fast becoming a massive hit here in Australia and over in New Zealand, let's hope the rest of the world embraces a bloody good song.

It would be easy to write Tori Kelly off as another pop clone, but there's a uniqueness to her voice and when she belts out a massive note towards the end of the song, you can hear the power behind her voice. This is an artist to keep an eye on, she is all kinds of wonderful and so is this deserving winner of single of the week.

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