Monday 18 May 2015

Single of the Week: Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar - Bad Blood

I'd hate to be Katy Perry right now! Taylor Swift's ode to their feud has just gone global. Taylor Swift can do no wrong right now, as she goes from strength to strength. She is the biggest star in the world right now - and even though this remixed single has only just come out, it is already our single of the week. Taylor Swift can do no wrong!

The "Bad Blood" remix, featuring the brilliant rap stylings of Kendrick Lamar is controversial. Controversial because of the subject matter, her feud with Perry. Controversial because it features one of the top rappers in the world - this is as far from country as Taylor has gone and it's wonderful. Her evolution into fully fledged pop star is upon us. And controversial because a lot of fans are upset that the song has been so dramatically changed for the single release. Some verses are gone and the beat is harder. I personally think it's what the song needed. It was always a good song, but not as great as the previous singles. The beat and rap have transformed this song into something new, and I love it. It is now a great song, maybe even better!

So many people have the "1989" album, that just releasing the song as a single would mean so many people already own it. But by remixing the song, fans will rebuy the song and new fans will come to the song. It is smart marketing, and let's face it, so many people are talking about this great song this week. Shrewd marketing Taylor and team!

The song, in it's current incarnation, is so anthemic. Another Max Martin and Shellback produced song, their work with Swift is pretty amazing. These are all catchy songs, that are very singable and songs designed to get stuck in your internal jukebox. And you've got to love the lyric, "Band aids don't fix bullet holes". A great song, and pretty amazing considering it is single number 4 from her album.

Then there's the clip. Fantastic stuff. While some fans are claiming it's the best clip of all time - I can't agree there, but it is pretty special. Featuring a plethora of female talent, there is a homage to film noir and quite possibly Britney's "Toxic" clip. It is pretty splendid and features a million (well quite a few) cameos. They include Lena Dunham, Cindy Crawford, Ellie Goulding, and the best part, Mariska Hargitay and Ellen Pompeo, who's TV characters Swift named her cats, Olivia and Meredith, after. It's pretty fun, it just seems all that star power was a little wasted. But still, great clip.

If Swift is going to keep releasing music and film clips like this, then be prepared, she is going to be on top for a very long time!

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