Tuesday 30 August 2016

Album Review: Glory - Britney Spears

Britney's back bitch, and she puts to rest any fears that she isn't still a force to be reckoned with. "Glory" is a fantastic pop album that sees Britney back in form in a major way.

Let's be honest, "Britney Jean" was not Britney's best work. It was not as bad as many would suggest, songs like "Perfume" were solid but just not her best, and the less said about "Pretty Girls", the better we'll all be. Then "Make Me" came out, and I was nervous, it didn't hit me straight away and I was worried the album wasn't going to be a corker - I was wrong. While "Make Me" may have grown on me, I still believe it's not one of the stronger songs on the album. I truly became excited when the promo singles from the album were released, "Private Show", "Clumsy" and "Do You Want To Come Over?" are slices of pop perfection.

"Private Show" should really have been the first single, it sets the scene better for the album, Playful, sexy and a lot of fun. The song has a great groove, and Britney sounds great on the track. "Clumsy" is classic Britney, it has a great clap track and Britney's trademark playful delivery. Britney doesn't need to be the best vocalist in the world, she knows pop and her voice is perfect for these tracks. "Do You Want To Come Over?" is probably my second favourite song on the album. Again it is very playful and I just love the way that Britney breathlessly cooes the song's title during the track.

Naturally when a pop powerhouse releases a new album, we look back and compare it to their old work. For me this album is very reminiscent of my favourite Britney album, "In the Zone"; I certainly hear elements of some of the best tracks on that album, "Toxic" and "Touch Of My Hand", at work here. And it seems that Britney and her team have embraced what Britney is good at, solid, sexy pop. We listen to Britney to lose ourselves in the music, we want to dance, we want to smile; "Glory" makes us do all these things. In this album, we really see Britney as the gay icon we know she is.

As for the other tracks, there are many strong ones here. "Invitation" is the perfect opener, setting the scene for the sexy and sensual album. "Man on the Moon" is a clever and slightly kooky track, with some clever lyrics, "One small step" and "Houston, I know there's a problem" are both great examples. "Just Like Me" is a great tune with a haunting tone and a good beat. My favourite song on the album though, has to be bonus track, "Liar". Why is this only a bonus track? It's a piece of pop / rock brilliance. It has Britney's trademark attitude and will be on high rotation for me.

This album has excited me, it is the perfect gift for fans of pop music and Ms Britney Spears - who proved to us that she is not done. Long may she reign!

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