Wednesday 3 December 2014

"Your music taste is really gay" and others sentences I wonder whether I should be offended over

I debated for a few weeks whether I should write this blog, but the statement kept appearing in my mind and I knew I had to write it.

So a few weeks ago a workmate innocently said to me, "Your music taste is really gay". It was a light hearted jab because I had been playing some music and we had just heard Madonna, Kylie and were now midway through a Mariah song. Yep, pretty gay music, right? Now I understand it's a joke and even I have been guilty of saying, "I've got a pretty gay taste in music", but maybe that's part of the problem. Because no matter how far we've come in equals rights and acceptance, there's is still an ingrained notion that being gay means being inferior. I have been told by people that I'm more manly than a lot of gay men, and that was supposed to be a compliment. Because being masculine is apparently the most important thing for a man.

This leads me to pop music, my chosen genre of music. I LOVE pop music, Madonna is my idol. I performed a show in Melbourne and Sydney this year called, "Everything I Know I Learnt From Madonna", have a house full of Madonna memorabilia and even have a Madonna tattoo on my butt. Yep, I'm a massive Madonna fan and because of that, I'm perceived to be less a man. I'll happily watch and sing along to every episode of Glee, what a fag. And if you look at my most played songs on iTunes you'll see entries from Kylie, Britney, Whitney and Jess Mauboy. Gay!

So what is it about pop music that makes it receive so much disdain and ridicule? Pop, or popular music, is usually considered to be disposable, lacking imagination, creativity and integrity. Over produced, usually by a hidden svengali out to make money and not art. Pop is usually made by people who have little talent. And yes, some pop singers fall into all of those categories, but not all, and there is a great art to pop. But really, is there anything wrong with songs that make you happy? That make you want to dance, sing and forget about the world? Isn't music an escape? Fans of indy music are fond of picking on pop artists and then jump on the bandwagon of the latest indy darling who will probably be forgotten in the space of a few years because the musical trend popular that year becomes very "uncool" again. So many of these singers lack the longevity of some of the greatest pop artists on the planet. Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, even Cher. There's a reason they have sold millions of records in multiples of decades. These, and many more artists, have found the art in pop. I dare you to listen to Madonna's "Like A Prayer" and not see it as an amazing pop song, not just pop song, but an amazing song, period!

As Australians we like to see ourselves as pretty lighthearted people, able to take the piss out of us and those around us. They're only jokes right? Asians can't drive, men can only do one thing at a time, women take three hours to get dressed. Gay men are just girly. Look at their music, their limp wrists. Well you know what funny guys, fuck you. Fuck you very much. I am proud of my music taste and I am a man. A man who loves another man. And it doesn't matter if I am butch bear or a fabulous Queen, I am still a man. Pop music loving man.

Now some people may tell me to get over it, or even worse, man up. Another expression I hate. Because if you take offence to a joke, you must be a "politically correct leftie", or maybe you're just sick of being treated as a lesser human. So how about we stop trying to make ourselves feel better by making others feel less than us? How about we just agree to disagree on musical tastes? You like what you like and I'll continue to dance in my loungerooms to the sounds of very awesome pop!

And please, never describe my musical tastes as gay. I don't take it as a compliment or a joke. I see it as a way to bring me down and make me feel inferior. Just call me a pop music fan, and I'll be happy!

And now here's some Mariah to spread some Christmas joy. Long live pop music!!

I promise tomorrow I'll be back with my happy pop orientated posts tomorrow. In fact, time for another classic pop album review. Any suggestions?

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